- Flowering
- Fruit Set, Fruit Development & Yield
Alternate Bearing
- Fichtner, E.J., Chao, Y.Y., Ferguson, L., Verreynne, J.S., Tang, L., Lovatt, C.J. 2021. Repeating cycles of ON and OFF yields in alternate bearing olive, pistachio and citrus trees - different mechanisms, common solutions. Acta Hort. 1315:1-10.
- Fichtner, E., Lovatt, C.J. 2018. Alternate bearing in olive. Acta Hort. 1199:103-108.
- Fichtner, E., Lovatt, C.J. 2013. Advances in mitigation of alternate bearing of olive: vegetative growth response to plant growth regulators. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. 11(4):3-6.
- Fichtner, E., Lovatt, C.J. 2013. Olive tree phenology: The relationship of fruit load to vegetative growth and return bloom. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. 11(3):4-6.
- Fichtner, E., Wilson, K., Lovatt, C.J. 2012. Understanding alternate bearing in olive. West Coast Olive Guide Newsletter. p.6, 10.
- Fichtner, E., Lovatt, C.J. 2012. Research advances on mitigation of alternate bearing in olive. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. 10(3):5-7.
- Plant Hormones & PGRs